API Reference > Other Classes > OdFileDependencyManager Class > OdFileDependencyManager Methods > OdFileDependencyManager::createEntry Method
OdFileDependencyManager::createEntry Method
virtual OdUInt32 createEntry(const OdString& feature, const OdString& fullFileName, const bool affectsGraphics = false, const bool noIncrement = false) = 0;
const OdString& feature 
[in] Name of the application or feature creating the entry.  
const OdString& fullFileName 
[in] Full name of file for the entry.  
const bool affectsGraphics = false 
[in] True if and only if the entry affects the screen view.  
const bool noIncrement = false 
[in] If true, duplicate records are created instead of incrementing the reference count of the existing entry. 

Returns the Unique File Dependency List ID for the new entry, or 0 if not successful.

Creates an entry in the DWG section of the File Dependency List. 


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