API Reference > Other Classes > OdFdFieldEngine Class
OdFdFieldEngine Class
class OdFdFieldEngine : public OdRxObject;


This class manages the evaluation of fields.

The field engine is a global one-per-session object. 

The field evaluators should register their loader with the engine during application startup

This is ~OdFdFieldEngine, a member of class OdFdFieldEngine. 
Adds the field reactor to the field framework.  
Returns the number of registered field evaluator loaders. 
Returns an an evaluator for the specified field from the set of registered evaluators if the field does not have an evaluator ID.  
Returns the field evaluator for the specified evaluator ID. 
Returns the field evaluator loader at the specified index. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdFdFieldEngine. 
Registers the evaluator loader with the engine. remarks The engine searches the registered evaluator loaders to find the appropriate evaluator for evaluating fields. Field evaluators should register the evaluator loader with the field engine during application startup.  
Removes the field reactor from the field framework.  
Unregisters the evaluator loader from the engine. 
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