API Reference > Other Classes > OdEdgeHLREdgeVisitor Class > OdEdgeHLREdgeVisitor Methods > OdEdgeHLREdgeVisitor::edge Method
OdEdgeHLREdgeVisitor::edge Method
virtual void edge(OdInt32 bodyIndex, OdInt32 edgeTag, OdEdgeTypeFlags edgeType, const OdGeCurve3d& edge, const OdLineSegIntervalArray& segmenParameters, const OdBoolArray& visibilities) = 0;
OdInt32 bodyIndex 
[out] Index of a body that the edge belongs to.  
OdInt32 edgeTag 
[out] The tag of the edge in a body.  
OdEdgeTypeFlags edgeType 
[out] Type of the edge.  
const OdGeCurve3d& edge 
[in] Edge represented by a curve.  
const OdLineSegIntervalArray& segmenParameters 
[in] Array of visible/hidden edge segments.  
const OdBoolArray& visibilities 
[in] Array of every segment status (true - visible, false - hidden). 

Receives an edge and associates information about its visibility. 


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