API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDg::DuplicateRecordCloning Enumeration
OdDg::DuplicateRecordCloning Enumeration
enum DuplicateRecordCloning { kDrcNotApplicable = 0, kDrcIgnore = 1, kDrcReplace = 2, kDrcXrefMangleName = 3, kDrcMangleName = 4, kDrcUnmangleName = 5, kDrcMax = kDrcUnmangleName };


kDrcNotApplicable = 0 
Not applicable to the object. 
kDrcIgnore = 1 
If a duplicate record exists, use the existing record in the *database*, and ignore the clone. 
kDrcReplace = 2 
If a duplicate record exists, replace it with the cloned record. 
kDrcXrefMangleName = 3 
Incoming record names are mangled with $0$ 
kDrcMangleName = 4 
Incoming record names are mangled with $0$ 
kDrcUnmangleName = 5 
Unmangle the names mangled by kDrcMangleName, then default to kDrcIgnore. Typically used by RefEdit when checking records into the original *database*. 
kDrcMax = kDrcUnmangleName 
The maximum value of this enum. 

The file OdaDefs.h contains const definitions of DuplicateRecordCloning values that do not require the "OdDg::" scope resolution qualifier. They should be used only if there will be no naming conflicts. 


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