API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgUserIO Class > OdDgUserIO Methods > OdDgUserIO::select Method
OdDgUserIO::select Method
virtual OdDgSelectionSetPtr select(OdGsView* pGsView, const OdString& prompt = OdString::kEmpty, int options = OdEd::kSelDefault, const OdDgSelectionSet* pDefaultValue = 0, const OdString& keywords = OdString::kEmpty, OdEdDgSSetTracker* pTracker = 0) = 0;
const OdString& prompt = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Message displayed to prompt the user.  
int options = OdEd::kSelDefault 
[in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values.  
const OdDgSelectionSet* pDefaultValue = 0 
[in] Pointer to a default value to return if an empty string is received as input.  
const OdString& keywords = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Keyword string.  
OdEdDgSSetTracker* pTracker = 0 
[in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. 

Launches interactive object selection to fill selection set. 


Each subsequent call to this function modifies current selection set. Returned value is guaranteed to be not null.

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