API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdDgRxEventReactor Class > OdDgRxEventReactor Methods > OdDgRxEventReactor::otherInsert Method
OdDgRxEventReactor::otherInsert Method
virtual void otherInsert(OdDgDatabase* pToDb, OdDgIdMapping& idMap, OdDgDatabase* pFromDb);
OdDgDatabase* pToDb 
[in] Destination database.  
OdDgIdMapping& idMap 
[in] ID Map source -> destination. 
OdDgDatabase* pFromDb 
[in] Source database.  

Notification function called whenever one database has been inserted into another. 


This function is called after the operation, and is sent just before beginDeepCloneXlation. It is called before any Object IDs are translated. 

Element IDs of cloned objects do not point at the cloned objects, and must therefore not not be used at this point for any operations on those objects.

  • abortInsert
  • beginInsert
  • endInsert

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