API Reference > Other Classes > OdDgPsPlotStyle Class
OdDgPsPlotStyle Class
class OdDgPsPlotStyle : public OdRxObject;


This class represents PlotStyle objects. 

Corresponding C++ library: DgPlotStyleSvcs

This is addColorData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is addSectionData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is addStringPair, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is addWeightData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is deleteColorData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is deleteSectionData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is deleteStringPair, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is deleteWeightData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is fileName, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getColorData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getColorDataByIndex, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getColorDataCount, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getGeneralData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getReplacementString, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getSectionData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getSectionDataCount, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getStringPair, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getStringPairCoint, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getUseColorDataFlag, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getWeightData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getWeightDataByIndex, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is getWeightDataCount, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is isColorDataPresent, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is isLineWeightDataPresent, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is isReplacementStringPresent, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is setFileName, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is setGeneralData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
This is setSectionData, a member of class OdDgPsPlotStyle. 
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