API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgGeometryOverrule Class > OdDgGeometryOverrule Methods > intersectWith Method > OdDgGeometryOverrule::intersectWith Method (OdDgGraphicsElement*, OdDgGraphicsElement*, OdDg::OdDgIntersectType, OdGePoint3dArray&)
OdDgGeometryOverrule::intersectWith Method (OdDgGraphicsElement*, OdDgGraphicsElement*, OdDg::OdDgIntersectType, OdGePoint3dArray&)
virtual OdResult intersectWith(const OdDgGraphicsElement* pThisElm, const OdDgGraphicsElement* pElm, OdDg::OdDgIntersectType intType, OdGePoint3dArray& points);
const OdDgGraphicsElement* pThisElm 
[in] A raw pointer to an entity.  
const OdDgGraphicsElement* pElm 
[in] An entity with which this entity is intersected.  
OdDg::OdDgIntersectType intType 
[in] Type of intersection.  
OdGePoint3dArray& points 
[out] An array of points in which the intersection points should be appended. 

Overrules OdDgGraphicsElement::subIntersectWith() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful. 


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