API Reference > Other Classes > OdDgEditorReactor Class
OdDgEditorReactor Class
class OdDgEditorReactor : public OdDgRxEventReactor;


This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDgEditor events.

The default implementations of all methods in this class do nothing but return.



This is record OdDgEditorReactor::DgXrefSubcommandActivities. 
Notification function called whenever the attachment of an Xref database has failed.
Notification function called whenever the restore of an Xref database has failed.
Notification function called whenever an Xref database is about to be attached to a host database.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgDatabase instance is about to be closed.
Notification function called whenever a .dgn file is about to be opened.
Notification function called to indicate the mouse button has been double-clicked in the graphics screen area.
Notification function called whenever the Editor is about to shut down. 
Notification function called whenever an Xref database is about to be reloaded to a host database, when the Xref drawing file is unchanged.
Notification function called to indicate the mouse button has been right-clicked in the graphics area.
Notification function called whenever an object in an Xref database has been comandeered.
Notification function called to indicate an MDI document frame window has been moved or resized.
Notification function called whenever the attachment of an Xref database has succeeded.
Notification function called whenever a .dgn file has been opened.
Notification function called whenever the restore of an Xref database has succeeded.
Notification function called to indicate the current layout has changed.
Notification function called to indicate the Editor main frame window has been moved or resized.
Notification function called whenever a modeless operation has ended.
Notification function called whenever a modeless operation is about to start.
Notification function called after objects are lazy during a partial open of a drawing.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDgEditorReactor. 
Notification function called whenever an Xref database has been attached to a host database.
Notification function called to indicate the number of entities in the pickfirst selection set has been changed. 
Notification function called whenever the Editor has failed to shut down. 
Notification function called whenever the Editor is about to shut down. 
Notification function called whenever an Element ID in an Xref database has been modified to point at an associated object in a host database.
This is sysVarChanged, a member of class OdDgEditorReactor. 
This is sysVarWillChange, a member of class OdDgEditorReactor. 
Notification function called to indicate the toolbar bitmap size has changed.
Notification function called to indicate the toolbar bitmap size is about to change.
Notification function called during an Undo Auto operation.
Notification function called during an Undo Back operation.
Notification function called during an Undo Begin or Undo Group operation.
Notification function called during an Undo Control operation.
Notification function called during an Undo End or Undo Group operation.
Notification function called during an Undo Mark operation.
Notification function called during an Undo operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Attach operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Bind operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Detach operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Overlay operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Path operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Reload operation.
Notification function called during an Xref Unload operation.
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