API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgCurveElement3d Class > OdDgCurveElement3d Methods > getClosestPointTo Method > OdDgCurveElement3d::getClosestPointTo Method (OdGePoint3d&, OdGePoint3d&, bool)
OdDgCurveElement3d::getClosestPointTo Method (OdGePoint3d&, OdGePoint3d&, bool)
virtual OdResult getClosestPointTo(const OdGePoint3d& givenPoint, OdGePoint3d& pointOnCurve, bool extend = false) const;
const OdGePoint3d& givenPoint 
[in] Given point.  
OdGePoint3d& pointOnCurve 
[out] Receives the closed point on this Curve object.  
bool extend = false 
[in] Extends this Curve object if and only if true.  
[in] Normal to the projection plane. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Returns the point on this Curve object closest to the given point. 


If normal is specified, this Curve object is projected onto the plane defined by givenPoint and normal, finds the closest point on the projected curve to givenPoint, and projects said closest point back onto the plane of this Curve object. It is this point that is returned as pointOnCurve.

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