API Reference > Other Classes > OdDbCrypt Class
OdDbCrypt Class
class OdDbCrypt : public OdRxObject;


This class defines the interface for the encription/decription of byte data. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

Appends a data block to be signed/hashed. This method should be used to specify the data to be processed by signData() or verifyDataSignature().
Decrypts the specified buffer.
Encrypts the specified buffer.
Initializes this OdDbCrypt object with the specified security parameters.  
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbCrypt. 
Creates a hash of the data blocks appended by appendDataToProcessSignature() method, signs the hash and returns the signed hash (detached signature).
Verifies a detached signature using data blocks appended by appendDataToProcessSignature() method.
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