Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dwg Files > Introduction > Basics of Database Operations and Database Objects > Database Operations > Example of Creating and Reading Database Operations
Example of Creating and Reading Database Operations

The following two routines illustrate database creation and read operations.

The first routine creates a new database and a circle and line which are added to model space. It uses the OdDbDatabase::writeFile() method to save the drawing.

  // Creating Database routine                                          //
  /* Create a database                                                  */
  OdDbDatabasePtr pDb = svcs.createDatabase(true);
  /* Open the Block Table                                               */
  OdDbBlockTablePtr pTable  = pDb->getBlockTableId().safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForWrite);
  OdDbObjectId blockTableID = pDb->getBlockTableId();
  /* Open the Model Space block                                         */
  OdDbBlockTableRecordPtr pModelSpace = pDb->getModelSpaceId().safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForWrite); 
  /* Create a Circle object, put it to model space and set the center point and radius */
  OdDbCirclePtr pCircle = OdDbCircle::createObject();
  OdGePoint3d center = OdGePoint3d(2.0,0,0);

  /* Create a Line object, put it to model space and set the start and end points and the color */
  OdDbLinePtr pLine = OdDbLine::createObject();
  OdDbObjectId objId = pModelSpace->appendOdDbEntity(pLine);

  /* Saving the created database as a file                              */
  pDb->writeFile("MyDrawing.dwg", OdDb::kDwg, OdDb::vAC24);
  /* Delete the Database instance                                       */

The second routine reads the saved drawing and prints the class names of all entities that are contained in model space.

  // Reading Database routine                                           //
  /* Read a database from a file                                        */
  OdDbDatabasePtr pDb = svcs.readFile("MyDrawing.dwg");
  /* Open the Block Table                                               */
  OdDbBlockTablePtr pTable  = pDb->getBlockTableId().safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForRead);
  OdDbObjectId blockTableID = pDb->getBlockTableId();
  /* Open the Model Space block                                         */
  OdDbBlockTableRecordPtr pModelSpace = pDb->getModelSpaceId().safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForRead);

  /* Get a SmartPointer to a new ObjectIterator                       */
  OdDbObjectIteratorPtr pEntIter = pModelSpace->newIterator();
  /* Step through the BlockTableRecord                                */
  for (; !pEntIter->done(); pEntIter->step())
    /* Get the classname of an Entity                                   */

    printf("Classname: %ls\n", (pEntIter->objectId().safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForRead))->isA()->name().c_str());

  /* Delete the Database instance                                       */


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