API Reference > Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums

The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation.

{ Secret } 
Declares the data types. 
Determines surface's edge extension types. 
Declares the error status. 
This is record MSLSUnits. 
This is record OdArcTextAlignment. 
This is record OdArcTextDirection. 
This is record OdArcTextPosition. 
Declares the dimensional constraint types 
This is record OdDbAssocCreateImpObject. 
Declares the dragging state. 
Declares the evaluation mode. 
Declares the evaluation priority. 
Declares the associative status. 
Declares the dragging state. 
This is record OdDbLSComponentType. 
This is record OdDgMessage. 
Represents the visibility of edges. 
This is record OdXrefSubCommand. 
This is record PointPositionOnBlockLine. 
Declares the rigidset type. 
Represents the type of a section view. The options you can view depend on the type you choose. 
This structure stores data for arcs exported from Autodesk® Inventor®.
This structure stores data for circles exported from Autodesk® Inventor®.
This structure stores data for lines exported from Autodesk® Inventor®.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This struct contains enumerated types and data used by OdDbMline.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This is record OdDbGeoDatum. 
This is record OdDbGeoEllipsoid. 
This is record OdDbGeoProjectionParameter. 
This struct is used by OdDbMText::getParagraphsIndent() to return indentation and tab data. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This is record OdDbSubTable. 
This is record OdDgAssignedMaterial. 
This is record OdDgAssocPointIData. 
This is record OdDgColorBookItem. 
This is record OdDgDependencyPathData. 
This is record OdDgElementIdVData. 
This is record OdDgFarElementIdData. 
This is record OdDgFarElementIdVData. 
This is record OdDgItemTypeLibraryReference. 
This is record OdDgLightParam. 
This is record OdDgTerrainFeatureTopologyItem. 
This is record OdDgTerrainTriangle. 
This is record OdDgTerrainVertexTopologyItem. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Represents the edge interval in parameter space. 
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