API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdGiContextForDgDatabase Class > OdGiContextForDgDatabase Methods
OdGiContextForDgDatabase Methods

The methods of the OdGiContextForDgDatabase class are listed here.

Add reactors to view model and database to update context data 
This is commonLinetypeScale, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
to create contexts fully equipped 
OdGiContext overridden functions 
This is defaultLineWeight, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is enableGsModel, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is fillTtf, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
returns a context of this type if can (zero otherwise) 
The access to the DGN database 
OdGiDefaultContext overridden functions 
Line type scale multiplier for default 8 internal line types. 
This is getPlotStyle, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is getStubByMatName, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is getStyleEntryId, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
Some tools to apply the common rules of DGN about overrides for symbologies (color, weight, style). Initially, it could operate with:
  1. kColorByLevel, etc - if set, a property should be taken from level (default properties)
  2. 'overrideByLevel' flag of views (OdDgView) - if set and an appropriate flag of the level is set (for example, 'override colors'), then this property is taken from level (overrided properties)

  1. All methods return false if a property can not be evaluated
  2. The level could be zero, that leads to 'can not be evaluated' if the level is required
  3. If this context does not have... more 
This is getUseLineWeightMapFlag, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
OdDgView element should be used to precise some rendering options 
This is getWeight, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is hatchAsPolygon, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
Override from OdGiContext (the first one) and the method to set (the second one) 
Loads the specified plot style table for this Context object.  
This is multiplyByBlockLinetypeScales, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is numberOfIsolines, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is openDrawable, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is paletteBackground, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is the overview for the plotStyle method overload. 
This is plotStyleType, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setCommonLinetypeScale, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setDatabase, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setHatchAsPolygon, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setLinetypeScaleMultiplier, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setPaletteBackground, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotGeneration, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is setView, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
This is supportVerticalTTFText, a member of class OdGiContextForDgDatabase. 
Control the GsModel flag of this Context Object 
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