API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer Class > OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer Methods
OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer Methods

The methods of the OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer class are listed here.

This is addCustomAttributeProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is addCustomItem, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is addExtraProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is deleteCustomAttributeProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is the overview for the deleteCustomItem method overload. 
This is deleteExtraProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getCustomAttributePropertiesCount, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getCustomAttributeProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is the overview for the getCustomItem method overload. 
This is getCustomItemCount, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getDescription, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getDisplayName, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getExtraPropertiesCount, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getExtraProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getName, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getNameSpacePrefix, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getVersion, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is getXMLReferences, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setCustomAttributeProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is the overview for the setCustomItem method overload. 
This is setDescription, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setDisplayName, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setExtraProperty, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setName, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setNameSpacePrefix, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setVersion, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
This is setXMLReferences, a member of class OdDgXMLCustomSchemaContainer. 
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