API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera Class > OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera Methods
OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera Methods

The methods of the OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera class are listed here.

distance from the camera to its back (far) clipping plane 
focal length 
distance from the camera to its front (near) clipping plane 
camera lens angle 
eye point 
this defines the visible rectangle at the focal plane 
This is setCameraBackClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraFocalLength, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraFrontClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraLensAngle, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraPosition, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraRotation, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
This is setCameraVisibleRectangle, a member of class OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera. 
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