API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgView Class > OdDgView Methods
OdDgView Methods

The methods of the OdDgView class are listed here.

to support its complexity; indeed, the only sub-element is level mask (to mask some levels by this view) 
This is applyAcs, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is createIterator, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcceleratedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcsId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcsOrigin, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcsRotation, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcsType, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getAcsViewIndependentFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
distance from the camera to its back (far) clipping plane 
focal length 
distance from the camera to its front (near) clipping plane 
camera lens angle 
implementation of OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera 
this defines the visible rectangle at the focal plane 
This is getDefinedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getDisplayEdgesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getDisplayHiddenEdgesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getDisplayMode, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getFastBoundaryClipFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getFastCellsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getFastCurveFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getHiddenLineFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getHideTextsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getHighQualityFontsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getIgnoreLineStylesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
for unnamed view, that index stands for its index within hosting view group 
This is getInhibitDynamicsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
any view should refer to the model it displays 
This is getName, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getNamedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getOrientationDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
distance from the camera to its back (far) clipping plane 
distance from the camera to its front (near) clipping plane 
eye point 
implementation of OdDgViewAsOrthography 
This is getOverrideBackgroundFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getPatternDynamicsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowAxisTriadFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowBackgroundFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowBoundaryFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowClipBackFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowClipFrontFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowClipVolumeFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowConstructionFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowDataFieldsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowDimensionsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowFillsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowGridFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowHazeFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowLevelSymbologyFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowLineWeightsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowPatternsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowPointsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowRasterTextFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowShadowsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowTagsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowTextNodesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getShowTextureMapsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
any view is either in orthography mode (methods of OdDgViewAsOrthography are available) or camera mode (OdDgViewAsPerspectiveCamera) 
This is getUseDepthCueFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getUseDisplaySetFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getUseTransparencyFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
physical rectangle at the screen 
This is getViewRenderedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
binary flags about how to display some specific things 
This is getVolumeClipElementId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is getVolumeClipMaskElementId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is isLevelVisible, a member of class OdDgView. 
any view is either named or owned to some view group (8 views per 1 group) 
This is setAcceleratedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setAcsOrigin, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setAcsRotation, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setAcsType, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setAcsViewIndependentFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraBackClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraFocalLength, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraFrontClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraLensAngle, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraPosition, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraRotation, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setCameraVisibleRectangle, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setDefinedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setDisplayEdgesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setDisplayHiddenEdgesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setDisplayMode, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setFastBoundaryClipFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setFastCellsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setFastCurveFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setHiddenLineFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setHideTextsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setHighQualityFontsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setIgnoreLineStylesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setIndex, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setInhibitDynamicsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setModelId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setName, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setNamedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrientationDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrthographyBackClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrthographyFrontClippingDistance, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrthographyPosition, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrthographyRotation, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOrthographyVisibleBox, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setOverrideBackgroundFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setPatternDynamicsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowAxisTriadFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowBackgroundFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowBoundaryFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowClipBackFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowClipFrontFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowClipVolumeFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowConstructionFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowDataFieldsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowDimensionsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowFillsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowGridFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowHazeFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowLevelSymbologyFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowLineWeightsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowPatternsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowPointsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowRasterTextFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowShadowsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowTagsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowTextNodesFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setShowTextureMapsFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setUseCameraFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setUseDepthCueFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setUseDisplaySetFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setUseTransparencyFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setViewRectangle, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setViewRenderedFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setVisibleFlag, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setVolumeClipElementId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is setVolumeClipMaskElementId, a member of class OdDgView. 
This is subSetAttributes, a member of class OdDgView. 
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