API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgText3d Class > OdDgText3d Methods
OdDgText3d Methods

The methods of the OdDgText3d class are listed here.

This is addTextEditField, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
Applies TextStyle settings to Text element. Attention: it should be called only after adding element to model 
This is clone, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
This is getAnnotationScale, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getAnnotationScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBackgroundBorder, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBackgroundColorIndex, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBackgroundFillColorIndex, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBackgroundLineStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBackgroundLineWeight, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getBoundingPoints, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getCodePage, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
Operate with color indices. See OdDg::ColorIndexConstants for some special values. See OdDgColorTable for the methods to translate indices to RGB values and back 
the number of CR which should be added after the text element 
This is getEndOfLineFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
for text node feature support 
MKU 06/19/07 
This is getHeight, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getHeightMultiplier, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
Text can be 'italics' even if it has 0 slant (for instance, TrueType font). So this method sets 'italics' flag in case of true; and resets 'italics' flag and 'slant' in case of false. 
This is getJustification, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
The "length" and "height" members of Text elements are not used by MicroStation v8. They could be set to display text elements a distance from the origin for the x and y of the text-aligned box 
The Length and Height multipliers are used to display Text element. 
This is getLineOffset, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getLineSpacingType, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
get/set origin value which text element is to be placed with left-bottom (default) justification without taking into account other text properties as height, width, direction, font and etc... 
This is getOverlineColorIndex, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getOverlineLineStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getOverlineLineWeight, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getOverlineSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getParagraphIndentationOverride, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
get/set text position as a result of calculation text properties as origin, actual justification, height, width, direction, font and etc... Call it when an element has been already added to database. Only in this case it is possible to get complete data (for instance, text font data) to calculate right geometry extents. 
3d-specific methods 
This is getShxBigFontEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getSlant, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getSpecialSymbolsAfterText, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getStackedFractionAlign, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getStackedFractionSection, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getStackedFractionType, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getTabStopArrayOverride, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
the text 
This is getTextEditFieldAt, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getTextEditFieldCount, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getTextIndentationOverrideFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getTextnodeWordWrapLength, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getTextStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getUnderlineColorIndex, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getUnderlineLineStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getUnderlineLineWeight, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is getUnderlineSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is removeTextEditFieldAt, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setAnnotationScale, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setAnnotationScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setBackground, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setCodePage, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setColorIndex, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setCrCount, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setEndOfLineFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setFirstLineIndentationOverride, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setFontEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setHeight, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setHeightMultiplier, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setItalics, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setJustification, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setLength, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setLengthMultiplier, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setLineOffset, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setLineSpacingType, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setOrigin, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setOverlineSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
for DG 2.6.3
enum Spacing { sNone = 0 , sInterCharSpacing = 1 , sFixedWidthSpacing = 2 , sAcadInterCharSpacing = 3 }; 
This is setParagraphIndentationOverride, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setPosition, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setRotation, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setShxBigFontEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setSlant, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setSpecialSymbolsAfterText, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setStackedFractionAlign, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setStackedFractionSection, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setStackedFractionType, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setTabStopArrayOverride, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setText, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setTextEditFieldAt, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setTextIndentationOverrideFlag, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setTextnodeWordWrapLength, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setTextStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setUnderlineSpacing, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is setUnderlineStyle, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is the overview for the subGetGeomExtents method overload. 
overrides from OdDgElement 
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set.
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDgText3d. 
overrides for OdGiDrawable 
This is the overview for the TEXT_FLAGS_DEF method overload. 
This is the overview for the TEXTSTYLE_OVERRIDE_FLAGS_DEF method overload. 
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