API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgSharedCellDefinition Class > OdDgSharedCellDefinition Methods
OdDgSharedCellDefinition Methods

The methods of the OdDgSharedCellDefinition class are listed here.

support for its complexity 
This is changeDrawingOrderOfElements, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is clone, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is createIterator, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
description (empty string is returned if there is not any descriptions) 
All internal elements are shifted so their zero point goes to that origin. When a symbol is dragged during drawing, the cursor is linked to the point '-origin'. 
This is loadFromLibrary, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
the dimension (2d/3d) of the definition can not be detected automatically, therefore it should be set manually 
This is setDescription, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is setName, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is setOrigin, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDgSharedCellDefinition. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
This is the overview for the transformBy method overload. 
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