API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgModel Class > OdDgModel Methods
OdDgModel Methods

The methods of the OdDgModel class are listed here.

Adds the specified element to this Model object.
This is bind, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Drawing order settings 
This is the overview for the convertUORsToWorkingUnits method overload. 
This is the overview for the convertWorkingUnitsToUORs method overload. 
This is createControlElementsIterator, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Returns an Iterator object that can be used to traverse this Model object.
Creates a new View Group for the model. 
Reads the DGN format data of this object from the specified file.
Writes the DGN format data of this object to the specified filer.
This method simplifies the filling of UnitDescription and guarantees that the result is appropriate 
This is fillUnitMeasure, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAcsElementId, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAcsOrigin, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAcsRotation, a member of class OdDgModel. 
The type and other properties of the active Auxiliary Coordinate System 
This is getAnnotationCellFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAnnotationLineScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAnnotationScale, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getAutoUpdateFieldsFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getBackground, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Only in case a model is placed as a cell 
Only when a model is placed as a cell: the method returns/changes the element class property. 
This is getColorIndex, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getCompoundLineScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Description of the model 
This is getEntryId, a member of class OdDgModel. 
The global origin defines the start position (zero point) of the world coordinate system inside of the model space 
This is getGridAngle, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridBase, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridLockFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridMaster, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridOrientation, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridRatio, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getGridReference, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getHiddenFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Only in case a model is placed as a cell 
This is getIsometricGridFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getIsometricLockFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getIsometricPlane, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getLastSaveTime, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getLinestyleScale, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getLockedFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is the overview for the getMasterUnit method overload. 
Returns the scale factor for conversion from the first measure unit to the second one 
The model-specific properties 
Name of the model 
This is getNotInCellListFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is getPropagateAnnotationScaleOffFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Only in case a model is placed as a cell 
This is getSolidExtent, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Storage unit 
Only in case a model is placed as a cell 
This is the overview for the getSubUnit method overload. 
The Model type 
The model-specific settings 
This is getUseBackgroundColorFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
Get View Group for the model. 
Only in case a model is placed as a cell 
The working unit measure used to represent all coordinates/distances for everything inside of the model 
This is merge, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAcsElementId, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAcsOrigin, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAcsRotation, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAcsType, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAnnotationCellFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAnnotationLineScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAnnotationScale, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setAutoUpdateFieldsFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setBackground, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setCellType, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setClass, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setColorIndex, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setCompoundLineScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setDescription, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGlobalOrigin, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridAngel, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridBase, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridGridReference, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridLockFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridMaster, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridOrientation, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setGridRatio, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setHiddenFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setInsertionBase, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setIsometricGridFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setIsometricLockFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setIsometricPlane, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setLastSaveTime, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setLinestyleScale, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setLockedFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is the overview for the setMasterUnit method overload. 
This is setModelIs3dFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setName, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setNotInCellListFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setPropagateAnnotationScaleOffFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setProperties, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setSolidExtent, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setStorageUnit, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setStyle, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is the overview for the setSubUnit method overload. 
This is setType, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setUnitLockFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setUseBackgroundColorFlag, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setWeight, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is setWorkingUnit, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is the overview for the subGetGeomExtents method overload. 
This is subSetAttributes, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDgModel. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDgModel. 
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