API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgMesh Class > OdDgMesh Methods
OdDgMesh Methods

The methods of the OdDgMesh class are listed here.

This is clone, a member of class OdDgMesh. 
define a specified data (do nothing if it exists already) 
This is the overview for the getAuxiliaryData method overload. 
the style 
remove a specified data (do nothing if it does not exist) 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only.
When overriding this function:
1) If the OdDgElement's state is incorrect, return something other than eOk.
2) If the parent class's subClose() returns anything other than eOk, immediately return it.
3) If other actions are required before close, do them.
4) Return eOk.
If you must make changes to this object's state, either make them after step 2, or roll them back if step 2 returns false.
The default implementation of this function does nothing but return eOk. This function can be overridden in... more 
overrides from OdDgElement 
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