API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgIdMapping Class > OdDgIdMapping Methods
OdDgIdMapping Methods

The methods of the OdDgIdMapping class are listed here.

Adds the specified IdPair element to this IdMapping element.
Returns the value of the IdPair in this IdMapping element that matches the key in the specified IdPair element.
This is createObject, a member of class OdDgIdMapping. 
Returns the type of deepclone operation using this IdMapping element. 
Deletes the IdPair with the specified key from this IdMapping element.
Returns the destination database for the deepclone operation using this IdMapping element. 
Returns the type of duplicate record cloning for IdMapping element. 
Notification function called whenever the Xref Block ID is about to be inserted into the destination database.
Returns the ElementID of the Xref Block. 
Creates an Iterator element that provides access to the IdPair elements in this IdMapping element. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDgIdMapping. 
Returns the source database for the deepclone operation using this IdMapping element. 
Sets the destination database for the deepclone operation using this IdMapping element.
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