API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgDimStyleTableRecord Class > OdDgDimStyleTableRecord Methods
OdDgDimStyleTableRecord Methods

The methods of the OdDgDimStyleTableRecord class are listed here.

Get accuracy for angle value. 
Get display mode for angle value. 
Get lending zero flag for angle units. 
Get trailing zeros flag for angle units. 
Get annotation scale for dimension. If scale isn't used the function returns 1. 
Get cell name for arrow symbol. 
Get arrow symbol char code. 
Get arrow symbol font entry id. 
Get symbol type for arrow terminators. 
Get superscript char flag. If false then used special font for superscript char, otherwise used automatic mode for superscript char. 
Get draw box around text flag. 
Get draw capsule around text flag. 
Get center mark size. 
Get current dimension command type. 
Get decimal comma flag. 
Get dimension style description. 
Get diameter symbol char code. 
Get diameter symbol font entry id. 
Get diameter symbol type. 
Get dimension lines color. 
Get dimension line style entry id. 
Get dimension lines weight. 
Get dimension value scale factor. 
Get text alignment for dimension with leader. 
Get auto mode for dimension with leader. 
Get chain type for dimension with leader. 
Get enable dimension with leader flag. 
Get enable inline leader mode for dimensions with leader. 
Get inline leader flag for dimension with leader. 
Get inline leader length for dimension with leader. 
Get leader terminator for dimension with leader. 
Get undock text flag for dimension with leader flag. 
Get dimension line color override flag. 
Get dimension line style override flag. 
Get dimension line weight override flag. 
Get cell name for dot symbol. 
Get dot symbol char code. 
Get dot symbol font entry id. 
Get symbol type for dot terminators. 
Get explode dimension to simple elements after creation flag. 
Get Inline text location flag. To get text location recommended to use getTextLocation() function. 
Get fit true dimension text option. If true then value is "Narrow", otherwise value is "Wide". 
Get enable frame scale flag for note dimension. If false then note frame scale is 1. 
Get enable suppress unfit terminators flag. 
Get use geometry margin value for terminator leader. If false then used default value. 
Get enable text optimal fit flag for above text location. 
Get dimension style entry id 
Get extend dimension line under text flag. 
Get color for dimension extension lines. 
Get extension line color override flag. 
Get extension lines present flag. 
Get line style entry id for dimension extension lines. 
Get extension line line style override flag. 
Get line weight for dimension extension lines. 
Get extension line line weight override flag. 
Get fit dependent text/terminator options. 
Get geometry margin. ( min. leader length ) 
Get hide sub units if its value is zero flag for primary units. 
Get hide sub units if its value is zero flag for secondary units. 
Get Horizontal text orientation flag. If flag isn't set then text orientation is Aligned. 
Get text lift for text with inline location. 
Get joiner flag. If it's true then join extension lines when terminator orientation is outside. 
Get the display and location of length and angle value for label-line dimension. 
Get the level on which dimensions are placed. 
Get level override flag. 
This is getLowerPrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is getLowerSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get lower tolerance value. 
set of functions, which handle the dimension special symbols 
This is getMainSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get the manual placement location flag. If it isn't set the mode is Automatic or Semi-Auto. To detect Semi-Auto mode call getSemiAutoFlag() 
Get master file units flag. 
Get metric space flag. If true then draw separator for values more then thousand. 
Get dimension line adjust automatically flag. 
Get hide leader line into arrow terminator space. 
Get hide leader line into dot terminator space. 
Get hide leader line into origin terminator space. 
Get hide leader line into stroke terminator space. 
Get non-stacked fraction space flag. 
Get edit about type for note dimension. 
Get frame scale for note dimension. 
Get attachment frame type for note dimension. 
Get leader direction of horizontal attachment for note dimension. 
Get use note inline leader mode flag. 
Get justification for note dimension. 
Get leader length for note dimension. If value is 0 then used default leader length. 
Get alignment for attachment with left justification for note dimension. 
Get left margin for note dimension. If value is 0 then used default left margin. 
Get lower margin for note dimension. 
Get alignment for attachment with right justification for note dimension. 
Get line spline fit for note dimension. 
Get terminator type for note dimension. 
Get text rotation type for note dimension. 
Get omit leading delimiter flag. 
Get decrement in reverse direction flag for ordinate dimensions. 
Get datum value for ordinate dimension. 
Get free text location flag for ordinate dimensions. 
Get cell name for origin symbol. 
Get origin symbol char code. 
Get origin symbol font entry id. 
Get symbol type for origin terminators. 
Get override level symbology flag. 
Get parent dimension style entry id 
Get placement alignment for dimension style. 
Get plus/minus symbol code. 
Get plus/minus symbol type. 
Get cell name for prefix symbol. 
Get prefix symbol code. 
Get prefix symbol font entry id. 
Get prefix symbol type. 
Get accuracy for primary units. 
Get accuracy for alternate format for primary units. 
Get hide zero sub units flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Get label display mode for alternate format for primary units. 
Get comparison operator alternate format for primary units. 
Get enable alternate format for primary units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Get show zero master units flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Get subunit threshold flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Get threshold for alternate format for primary units. 
Get label display mode for primary units. 
Get leading zero flag for primary units. 
Get primary master units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for primary units. 
Get primary sub units. 
Get accuracy for tolerance for primary units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for tolerance of primary units. 
Get trailing zeros flag for primary units. 
Get relative dimension lines flag. 
Get round LSD flag. If on, round to the closest half unit. 0 is not displayed. 
Get accuracy for secondary units. 
Get accuracy for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get hide zero sub units flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get label display mode for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get comparison operator alternate format for secondary units. 
Get enable alternate format for secondary units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get show zero master units flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get subunit threshold flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get threshold for alternate format for secondary units. 
Get label display mode for secondary units. 
Get leading zero flag for secondary units. 
Get secondary master units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for secondary units. 
Get secondary sub units. 
Get accuracy for tolerance for secondary units. 
Get retain fractional accuracy flag for tolerance of secondary units. 
Get trailing zeros flag for secondary units. 
Get semi-auto placement location mode flag. 
Get show angle format flag. If it's enabled, then angle format units is "Angle", otherwise it's "Length 
the set of functions, which determine what components of dimension are visible 
This is getShowExtLineFlag, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get dual mode ( show both primary and secondary units ) flag. 
Get enable tolerance flag. 
Get show master units if its value is zero flag for primary units. 
Get show master units if its value is zero flag for secondary units. 
Get stacked fraction alignment. 
Get enable stacked fraction flag. 
Get stacked fraction scale for dimension. If scale isn't used the function returns 1. 
Get stacked fraction type. 
Get dimension lines geometry stack offset. 
Get cell name for stroke symbol. 
Get stroke symbol char code. 
Get stroke symbol font entry id. 
Get symbol type for stroke terminators. 
Get cell name for suffix symbol. 
Get suffix symbol code. 
Get suffix symbol font entry id. 
Get suffix symbol type. 
Get superscript LSD flag. The least significant digit is displayed as superscript. 
Get terminator arrow head type. 
Get color for dimension terminators. 
Get terminator color override flag. 
Get terminator height. 
Get line style entry id for dimension terminators. 
Get terminator line style override flag. 
Get line weight for dimension terminators. 
Get terminator line weight override flag. 
Get terminator orientation type. 
Get terminator width. 
Get dimension text color. 
Get text color override flag. 
Get dimension text font entry id. 
Get text font override flag. 
Get dimension text height. 
Get text size override flag. 
Get text justification. 
Get text left margin value. 
Get text location. 
Get text lower margin value. 
Get text style entry id 
Get underline text mode flag. 
Get dimension text weight. 
Get text weight override flag. 
Get text symbol middle width. 
Get text width override flag. 
Get thousand separator flag. If true then separator is comma else separator is space. 
Get tolerance left margin value. 
This is getTolerancePrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get tolerance separator margin value. 
Get show sign for zero tolerance value flag. 
Get tolerance stack if equal flag. 
This is getToleranceSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get tolerance text scale factor. 
Get show center mark bottom extension line flag. 
Get show center mark flag. 
Get show center mark left extension line flag. 
Get show center mark right extension line flag. 
Get show center mark top extension line flag. 
Get enable chord align flag. 
Get show arc symbol flag. 
Get show left extension line flag. 
Get tool prefix. 
Get show right extension line flag. 
Get stack extension lines flag. 
Get tool suffix. 
Get first terminator. For radial and diametrical dimensions it returns Leader type. 
Get joint terminator. 
Get left terminator. 
Get right terminator. 
Get tool text type. 
Get underline text override flag. 
Get enable uniformly scales terminator cells by the text width. 
This is getUpperPrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is getUpperSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Get upper tolerance value. 
Get use custom units as primary units flag. If its value is false then use working units as primary units. 
Get use reference file scale flag. 
Get enable extended stacked fraction mode. 
Get tolerance mode. if true then mode is "Limit", otherwise mode is "Plus/Minus". 
Get save view rotation option flag. 
Get geometry witness line extension. 
Get geometry witness line offset. 
To set accuracy value for angular dimension you must convert them to angle format and set primary accuracy value for dimension element. To convert accuracy to angle format you must change value by rule: 
Set display mode for angle value. 
Set lending zero flag for angle units. 
Set trailing zeros flag for angle units. 
Set annotation scale for dimension. 
Set cell name for arrow symbol. 
Set arrow symbol char code. 
Set arrow symbol font entry id. 
Set symbol type for arrow terminators. 
Set superscript char. 
Set draw box around text flag. 
Set draw capsule around text flag. 
Set center mark size. 
Set current dimension command type. 
Set decimal comma flag. 
Set dimension style description 
Set diameter symbol char code. 
Set diameter symbol font entry id. 
Set diameter symbol type. 
Set dimension lines color. 
Set dimension line style entry id. 
Set dimension lines weight. 
Set dimension value scale factor. 
Set text alignment for dimension with leader. 
Set auto mode for dimension with leader. 
Set chain type for dimension with leader. 
Set enable dimension with leader flag. 
Set enable inline leader mode for dimensions with leader. 
Set inline leader flag for dimension with leader. 
Set inline leader length for dimension with leader. 
Set leader terminator for dimension with leader. 
Set undock text flag for dimension with leader flag. 
Set dimension line color override flag. 
Set dimension line style override flag. 
Set dimension line weight override flag. 
Set cell name for dot symbol. 
Set dot symbol char code. 
Set dot symbol font entry id. 
Set symbol type for dot terminators. 
Set explode dimension to simple elements after creation flag. 
Set Inline text location flag. To set text location recommended to use setTextLocation() function. 
Set fit true dimension text option. 
Set enable frame scale flag for note dimension. 
Set enable suppress unfit terminators flag. 
Set use geometry margin value for terminator leader. 
Set enable text optimal fit flag for above text location. 
Set extend dimension line under text flag. 
Set color for dimension extension lines. 
Set extension line color override flag. 
Set extension lines present flag. 
Set line style entry id for dimension extension lines. 
Set extension line line style override flag. 
Set line weight for dimension extension lines. 
Set extension line line weight override flag. 
Set fit dependent text/terminator options. 
Set geometry margin. 
Set hide sub units if its value is zero flag for primary units. 
Set hide sub units if its value is zero flag for secondary units. 
Set Horizontal text orientation flag. 
Set text lift for text with inline location. 
Set joiner flag. 
Set the display and location of length and angle value for label-line dimension. 
Set the level on which dimensions are placed. 
Set level override flag. 
This is setLowerPrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is setLowerSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set lower tolerance value. 
This is setMainPrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is setMainSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set the manual placement location flag. 
Set master file units flag. 
Set metric space flag. 
Set dimension line adjust automatically flag. 
Set hide leader line into arrow terminator space. 
Set hide leader line into dot terminator space. 
Set hide leader line into origin terminator space. 
Set hide leader line into stroke terminator space. 
Set non-stacked fraction space flag. 
Set edit about type for note dimension. 
Set frame scale for note dimension. 
Set attachment frame type for note dimension. 
Set leader direction of horizontal attachment for note dimension. 
Set use note inline leader mode flag. 
Set justification for note dimension. 
Set leader length for note dimension. 
Set alignment for attachment with left justification for note dimension. 
Set left margin for note dimension. 
Set lower margin for note dimension. 
Set alignment for attachment with right justification for note dimension. 
Set line spline fit for note dimension. 
Set terminator type for note dimension. 
Set text rotation type for note dimension. 
Set omit leading delimiter flag. 
Set decrement in reverse direction flag for ordinate dimensions. 
Set datum value for ordinate dimension. 
Set free text location flag for ordinate dimensions. 
Set cell name for origin symbol. 
Set origin symbol char code. 
Set origin symbol font entry id. 
Set symbol type for origin terminators. 
Set override level symbology flag. 
Set parent dimension style entry id 
Set placement alignment for dimension style. 
Set plus/minus symbol code. 
Set plus/minus symbol type. 
Set cell name for prefix symbol. 
Set prefix symbol code. 
Set prefix symbol font entry id. 
Set prefix symbol type. 
Set accuracy for primary units. 
Set accuracy for alternate format for primary units. 
Set hide zero sub units flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Set label display mode for alternate format for primary units. 
Set comparison operator for alternate format for primary units. 
Set enable alternate format for primary units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Set show zero master units flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Set subunit threshold flag for alternate format for primary units. 
Set threshold for alternate format for primary units. 
Set label display mode for primary units. 
Set leading zero flag for primary units. 
Set primary master units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy flag for primary units. 
Set primary sub units. 
Set accuracy for tolerance for primary units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy flag for tolerance of primary units. 
Set trailing zeros flag for primary units. 
Set relative dimension lines flag. 
Set round LSD flag. 
Set accuracy for secondary units. 
Set accuracy for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set hide zero sub units flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set label display mode for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set comparison operator for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set enable alternate format for secondary units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy alternate format for flag for secondary units. 
Set show zero master units flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set subunit threshold flag for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set threshold for alternate format for secondary units. 
Set label display mode for secondary units. 
Set leading zero flag for secondary units. 
Set secondary master units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy flag for secondary units. 
Set secondary sub units. 
Set accuracy for tolerance for secondary units. 
Set retain fractional accuracy flag for tolerance of secondary units. 
Set trailing zeros flag for secondary units. 
Set semi-auto placement location mode flag. 
Set show angle format flag. 
This is setShowDimLineFlag, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is setShowExtLineFlag, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set dual mode flag. 
Set enable tolerance flag. 
Set show master units if its value is zero flag for primary units. 
Set show master units if its value is zero flag for secondary units. 
Set stacked fraction alignment. 
Set enable stacked fraction flag. 
Set stacked fraction scale for dimension. 
Set stacked fraction type. 
Set dimension lines geometry stack offset. 
Set cell name for stroke symbol. 
Set stroke symbol char code. 
Set stroke symbol font entry id. 
Set symbol type for stroke terminators. 
Set cell name for suffix symbol. 
Set suffix symbol code. 
Set suffix symbol font entry id. 
Set suffix symbol type. 
Set superscript LSD flag. 
Set terminator arrow head type. 
Set color for dimension terminators. 
Set terminator color override flag. 
Set terminator height. 
Set line style entry id for dimension terminators. 
Set terminator line style override flag. 
Set line weight for dimension terminators. 
Set terminator line weight override flag. 
Set terminator orientation type. 
Set terminator width. 
Set dimension text color. 
Set text color override flag. 
Set dimension text font entry id. 
Set text font override flag. 
Set dimension text height. 
Set text size override flag. 
Set text justification. Value OdDgDimTextInfo::kManualText isn't used. 
Set text left margin value. 
Set text location. 
Set text lower margin value. 
Set text style entry id 
Set underline text mode flag. 
Set dimension text weight. 
Set text weight override flag. 
Set text symbol middle width. 
Set text width override flag. 
Set thousand separator flag. 
Set tolerance left margin value. 
This is setTolerancePrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set tolerance separator margin value. 
Set show sign for zero tolerance value flag. 
Set tolerance stack if equal flag. 
This is setToleranceSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set tolerance text scale factor. 
Set show center mark bottom extension line flag. 
Set show center mark flag. 
Set show center mark left extension line flag. 
Set show center mark right extension line flag. 
Set show center mark top extension line flag. 
Set enable chord align flag. 
Set show arc symbol flag. 
Set show left extension line flag. 
Set tool prefix. 
Set show right extension line flag. 
Set stack extension lines flag. 
Set tool suffix. 
Set first terminator. 
Set joint terminator. 
Set left terminator. 
Set right terminator. 
Set tool text type. 
Set underline text override flag. 
Set enable uniformly scales terminator cells by the text width. 
This is setUpperPrefix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
This is setUpperSuffix, a member of class OdDgDimStyleTableRecord. 
Set upper tolerance value. 
Set use custom units as primary units flag. 
Set use reference file scale flag. 
Set enable extended stacked fraction mode. 
Set tolerance mode. 
Set save view rotation option flag. 
Set geometry witness line extension. 
Set geometry witness line offset. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only.
When overriding this function:
1) If the OdDgElement's state is incorrect, return something other than eOk.
2) If the parent class's subClose() returns anything other than eOk, immediately return it.
3) If other actions are required before close, do them.
4) Return eOk.
If you must make changes to this object's state, either make them after step 2, or roll them back if step 2 returns false.
The default implementation of this function does nothing but return eOk. This function can be overridden in... more 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Notification function called by the ODA Drawings API for DGN immediately before an object is opened.
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