API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgDatabaseReactor Class > OdDgDatabaseReactor Methods
OdDgDatabaseReactor Methods

The methods of the OdDgDatabaseReactor class are listed here.

Notification function called whenever a database active properties ( model, color, line style etc. ) has been changed.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement has been appended to an OdDgDatabase.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement has been erased or unerased.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement has been modified.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement is about to be modified.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement has been reappended to an OdDgDatabase by a Redo operation.
Notification function called whenever an OdDgElement has been unappended from an OdDgDatabase by an Undo operation.
Notification function called whenever a database is about to be deleted from memory.  
Notification function called whenever a database -resident system variable has changed.
Notification function called whenever a database -resident system variable is about to change.
Notification function called whenever a database data has been modified.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDgDatabaseReactor. 
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