API Reference > Functions

The following table lists functions in this documentation.

This is function _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF. 
This is function _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF. 
This is function _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF. 
This is function _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF. 
This is function convertItemDisplayLabelToName. 
This is function convertItemNameToDisplayLabel. 
This is function copyFieldWithChild. 
This is function copyTextFieldToObject. 
This is function createComplexElementIterator. 
This is function createOdDb2dPolylineProperties. 
This is function createOdDb2dVertexProperties. 
This is function createOdDb2LineAngularDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDb3dPolylineProperties. 
This is function createOdDb3dPolylineVertexProperties. 
This is function createOdDb3dSolidProperties. 
This is function createOdDb3PointAngularDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbAbstractViewTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbAlignedDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbArcDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbArcProperties. 
This is function createOdDbAttributeDefinitionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbAttributeProperties. 
This is function createOdDbBlockReferenceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbBlockTableProperties. 
This is function createOdDbBlockTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbBodyProperties. 
This is function createOdDbCircleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbCurveProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDatabaseProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDgnDefinitionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDiametricDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDictionaryProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDimStyleTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbDwfDefinitionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbEllipseProperties. 
This is function createOdDbEntityProperties. 
This is function createOdDbExtrudedSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbFaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbFcfProperties. 
This is function createOdDbGeoPositionMarkerProperties. 
This is function createOdDbGroupProperties. 
This is function createOdDbHatchProperties. 
This is function createOdDbHelixProperties. 
This is function createOdDbIBLBackgroundProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLayerTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLayoutProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLeaderProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLightProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLineProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLinetypeTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbLoftedSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMaterialProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMentalRayRenderSettingsProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMInsertBlockProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMLeaderProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMLeaderStyleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMlineProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMlineStyleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbModelDocViewStyleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbMTextProperties. 
This is function createOdDbNurbSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbObjectProperties. 
This is function createOdDbOle2FrameProperties. 
This is function createOdDbOrdinateDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbPlotSettingsProperties. 
This is function createOdDbPointProperties. 
This is function createOdDbPolyFaceMeshProperties. 
This is function createOdDbPolygonMeshProperties. 
This is function createOdDbPolylineProperties. 
This is function createOdDbProxyEntityProperties. 
This is function createOdDbProxyObjectProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRadialDimensionLargeProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRadialDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRapidRTRenderSettingsProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRayProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRegionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRenderEnvironmentProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRenderGlobalProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRenderSettingsProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRevolvedSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbRotatedDimensionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSectionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbShapeProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSkyBackgroundProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSolidBackgroundProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSolidProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSplineProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSubDMeshProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSunProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSweptSurfaceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSymbolTableProperties. 
This is function createOdDbSymbolTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbTableProperties. 
This is function createOdDbTableStyleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbTextProperties. 
This is function createOdDbTextStyleTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbTraceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbUCSTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbUnderlayDefinitionProperties. 
This is function createOdDbUnderlayReferenceProperties. 
This is function createOdDbViewportProperties. 
This is function createOdDbViewportTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbViewTableRecordProperties. 
This is function createOdDbVisualStyleProperties. 
This is function createOdDbXlineProperties. 
This is function createPSHelper. 
This is function decompTransform. 
This is function decompTransform. 
This is function deletePSHelper. 
This is function dimLineIndex. 
This is function getAssociatedElements. 
This is function getClassByName. 
This is function getDWFMediaList. 
This is function getModelerGeometry. 
This is function getPDFMediaList. 
Retrieves snap PDF geometry for the referenced PDF entity.  
This is function giFromDbTextStyle. 
This is function giFromDbTextStyle. 
This is function odapLongTransactionManager. 
returns true if there was such reactor (puts it at the end of the list in any case) 
for tests only 
This is function odDbAuditColor. 
This is function odDbAuditColor. 
This is function odDbAuditColorIndex. 
This is function odDbAuditColorIndex. 
This is function oddbBeginProxyGraphics. 
Compare resbufs walking ::next chain. 
Compare resbufs walking ::next chain. 
This is function oddbConvertHslToRgb. 
This is function oddbConvertRgbToHsl. 
This is function odDbCreateDataLinkAndTable. 
This is function oddbCreateEdgesFromEntity. 
This method performs the whole point cloud entity creation routine: creates the OdDbPointCloud entity, appends it to the database, applies specified attributes, creates the OdDbPointCloudDef object (if needed), restores or creates new links to the OdDbPointCloudDef object, adds reactors.
This is function oddbDatabaseCollection. 
This is function oddbDgnLSCheckEntityXData. 
This is function oddbDgnLSDrawEntityXData. 
This is function oddbDgnLSGetComponentsDictionary. 
This is function oddbDgnLSGetComponentsDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbDgnLSGetComponentsDictionaryName. 
This is function oddbDgnLSGetDefinitionKeyName. 
This is function oddbDgnLSGetEntityXDataName. 
This is function oddbDgnLSIncrementUID. 
This is function oddbDgnLSInitializeImportUID. 
This is function oddbDgnLSReadEntityXData. 
This is function oddbDgnLSRemoveEntityXData. 
This is function oddbDgnLSWriteEntityXData. 
This is function oddbDwgClassMapDesc. 
This is function oddbEndProxyGraphics. 
Returns the data for the specified object.
This is function oddbEntLast. 
This is function oddbEntMake. 
This is function oddbEntMakeX. 
Sets the data for the specified object.
This is function oddbEntNext. 
Evaluates fields in database.  
This is function odDbGenerateName. 
This is function odDbGenerateName. 
This is function oddbGetActiveRenderRapidRTSettingsObject. 
This is function oddbGetActiveRenderRapidRTSettingsObjectId. 
This is function oddbGetActiveRenderSettingsObject. 
This is function oddbGetActiveRenderSettingsObjectId. 
This is function oddbGetBackgroundDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetBackgroundDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbGetContextDataAndScale. 
This is function odDbGetDataLinkManager. 
Returns the pointer to the field engine. There is only one field engine object per session. 
This is function oddbGetFieldEngineValueByError. 
  • details Global method which is used for getting the OdDbGeoData object ID.

This is function oddbGetGeoDataTransform. 
This is function odDbGetHandleName. 
This is function oddbGetLibraryInfo. 
Returns an Iterator object that can be used to traverse the OdAveLight objects in the specified database.
This is function oddbGetMaterialIds. 
Returns an Iterator object that can be used to traverse the OdAveMaterial objects in the specified database or material library.
This is function oddbGetMaterials. 
This is function oddbGetMotionPathDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetMotionPathDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbGetNamedPathDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetNamedPathDictionaryId. 
This is function odDbGetObjectIdName. 
Creates a mesh from the specified object based on the specified mesh faceter settings.
This is function odDbGetObjectName. 
This is function odDbGetPreviewBitmap. 
This is function oddbGetRenderEntriesDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetRenderEntriesDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbGetRenderEnvironmentObject. 
This is function oddbGetRenderEnvironmentObjectId. 
This is function oddbGetRenderGlobalObject. 
This is function oddbGetRenderGlobalObjectId. 
This is function oddbGetRenderPlotSettingsDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetRenderPlotSettingsDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbGetRenderRapidRTSettingsDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetRenderRapidRTSettingsDictionaryId. 
This is function oddbGetRenderSettingsDictionary. 
This is function oddbGetRenderSettingsDictionaryId. 
Returns an Iterator object that can be used to traverse the OdAveScene objects in the specified database.
This is function oddbGetSummaryInfo. 
Loads an MLineStyle into the specified database object.
for tests only 
for tests only 
for tests only 
for tests only 
This is function oddbPutSummaryInfo. 
returns true if there was such reactor 
Saves linetypes to the specified file.  
Saves an MLineStyle to the specified file.  
Sets the DWGCODEPAGE value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
value to keep result of previous evaluation 
Sets the PSTYLEMODE value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the PUCSORG value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the PUCSXDIR value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the PUCSYDIR value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the TDINDWG value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the TDUCREATE system variable in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the TDUSRTIMER value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the TDUUPDATE value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the UCSORG system variable in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the UCSXDIR value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Sets the UCSYDIR value in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
This is function oddbUnderlayHostGetAdjustedColor. 
Returns the Document Summary Information object for the specified OdDgDatabase instance.
Retutns the Document Summary Information object for the specified dgn file.
Returns the properties of the library. 
This is function odDgGetObjectMesh. 
Returns the Summary Information object for the specified OdDgDatabase instance.
Retutns the Summary Information object for the specified dgn file.
Auxiliary function to display different messages 
This is function oddgRxEditor. 
This is function odDgRxEvent. 
Sets (registers) the Linkage handler class.
Sets (registers) the XAttribute handler class.
This is function OdDieselEvaluate. 
This is function OdDieselEvaluate. 
This is function odedEditor. 
This is function odEntityToProxy. 
Parses a string containing a field with AcVar, separating variable name and formatting.
Splits a string into substrings: fields and the text separating them. The order remains the same.
Returns the SAT file associated with the specified AcAdPart entity.  
Returns the OdModelerGeometry object associated with the specified AcAdPart entity.  
Performs Drawings system initialization. 
Performs Drawings core system initialization. 
Returns a LayerFilterManager object for the specified database.  
This is function odObjectToProxy. 
DBENT_EXPORT IUnknown* OdOxGetIUnknownOfObject(OdDbObject* pObj, LPDISPATCH pApp); 
Utility functions 
This is function OdOxGetOleLinkManager. 
3 - Origin 
3 - Origin 
4 - RotationAngle 
3 - Origin 
3 - Origin 
11 - LineStyleModifiers 
11 - LineStyleModifiers 
2 - ItemTypeInstances 
1 - Vertices 
1 - Vertices 
5 - Normal 
1 - PrimaryAxis 
2 - SecondaryAxis 
1 - PrimaryAxis 
2 - SecondaryAxis 
3 - Color 
2 - Level 
4 - LineStyle 
5 - LineWeight 
1 - Name 
4 - Transformation 
3 - Color 
2 - Level 
4 - LineStyle 
5 - LineWeight 
1 - Name 
4 - Transformation 
14 - LineColor 
16 - LineStyleEntryId 
18 - LineWeight 
7 - Space1 
9 - Space2 
13 - UseLineColor 
15 - UseLineStyle 
17 - UseLineWeight 
10 - LineStyleScale 
10 - LineStyleScale 
7 - PatternName 
2 - Name 
7 - Locked 
6 - Class 
3 - Color 
10 - DisplayStyle 
11 - GraphicsGroupIndex 
17 - HBit 
12 - Invisible 
2 - Level 
4 - LineStyle 
5 - LineWeight 
16 - NotSnappable 
8 - Priority 
9 - Thickness 
7 - Transparency 
14 - ViewIndependent 
24 - HighMultilineIndex 
23 - LowMultilineIndex 
20 - Offset 
5 - Rotation 
21 - Snappable 
3 - Tolerance 
22 - UseMultilineIndices 
19 - UseOffset 
4 - UseRotation 
2 - UseTolerance 
2 - Name 
3 - EndPoint 
1 - StartPoint 
3 - EndPoint 
1 - StartPoint 
2 - Name 
14 - LineColor 
16 - LineStyleEntryId 
18 - LineWeight 
7 - Space 
13 - UseLineColor 
15 - UseLineStyle 
17 - UseLineWeight 
1 - Name 
1 - Name 
1 - Material 
1 - Material 
1 - Name 
14 - Color 
16 - LineStyleEntryId 
18 - LineWeight 
7 - Space1 
9 - Space2 
11 - SymbolId 
12 - TrueScale 
13 - UseColor 
15 - UseLineStyle 
17 - UseLineWeight 
4 - RotationAngle 
6 - StartAngle 
7 - SweepAngle 
6 - StartAngle 
7 - SweepAngle 
8 - Angle1 
10 - Angle2 
6 - 2dRotation 
8 - Angle 
8 - Angle1 
10 - Angle2 
9 - ColorPalette 
13 - SharedCellDefinitions 
1 - Items 
1 - Items 
1 - Items 
1 - Items 
1 - Items 
6 - Elements 
6 - Elements 
14 - Elements 
12 - Models 
3 - Elements 
3 - Elements 
8 - DwgLines 
5 - GroupedHole 
5 - GroupedHole 
8 - Closed 
4 - EndParam 
3 - EndPoint 
9 - Periodic 
2 - StartParam 
1 - StartPoint 
8 - Closed 
4 - EndParam 
3 - EndPoint 
9 - Periodic 
2 - StartParam 
1 - StartPoint 
10 - DisplayStyleTableId 
1 - FileName 
7 - FontTableId 
11 - LevelFilterTableId 
4 - LevelTableId 
5 - LineStyleTableId 
2 - MajorVersion 
8 - MaterialTableId 
3 - MinorVersion 
6 - TextStyleTableId 
1 - Index 
1 - ElementId 
3 - ElementSubType 
2 - ElementType 
4 - ModificationTime 
6 - Modified 
1 - Name 
5 - New 
1 - ODAUniqueID 
13 - 3D 
18 - Extents 
15 - NonPlanar 
1 - PatternType 
1 - Index 
1 - Index 
15 - BlockDefinition 
1- - ReferencedModel 
2 - MaterialName ODRX_DECLARE_RX_PROPERTY(OdDgShape2d,MaterialName,OdString,"Material",2,"Name of shape material", "MaterialTableId/Items [Name]"); 12 - Fill 
13 - HatchPattern 
2 - MaterialName ODRX_DECLARE_RX_PROPERTY(OdDgShape3d,MaterialName,OdString,"Material",2,"Name of shape material", "MaterialTableId/Items [Name]"); 12 - Fill 
13 - HatchPattern 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdCellRange' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdCmColor' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb3dPolylineVertexPtr' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::CollisionType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::DwgVersion' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::EndCaps' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::FlowDirection' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::JoinStyle' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::LineSpacingStyle' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::LoftNormalsType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::MaintReleaseVer' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::MeasurementValue' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::OrthographicView' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::Poly2dType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::Poly3dType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::PolyMeshType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::TableBreakOption' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::TextHorzMode' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::TextVertMode' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::Vertex2dType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::Vertex3dType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::Visibility' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDb::XrefStatus' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbBlockTableRecord::BlockScaling' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbBlockTableRecordId' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbDate' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbGeoPositionMarker::OdTextAlignmentType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbHatch::GradientPatternType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbHatch::HatchObjectType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbHatch::HatchPatternType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbHatch::HatchStyle' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbHelix::ConstrainType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLeader::AnnoType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLight::GlyphDisplayType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLight::LampColorPreset' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLight::LampColorType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLight::PhysicalIntensityMethod' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLoftOptions' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbLoftOptions::NormalOption' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::BlockConnectionType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::ContentType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::DrawLeaderOrderType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::DrawMLeaderOrderType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::LeaderType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::SegmentAngleType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::TextAlignmentType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::TextAngleType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::TextAttachmentDirection' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMLeaderStyle::TextAttachmentType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMText::AttachmentPoint' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMText::ColumnType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMText::FlowDirection' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMTextPtr' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings::ShadowSamplingMultiplier' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbObjectId' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbOle2Frame::PlotQuality' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbOle2Frame::Type' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::PlotPaperUnits' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::PlotRotation' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::PlotType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::ShadePlotResLevel' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::ShadePlotType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbPlotSettings::StdScaleType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbRapidRTRenderSettings::RenderTarget' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbRenderGlobal::Destination' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbRenderGlobal::Procedure' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbSection::State' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbSpline::SplineType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbSweepOptions' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbViewport::ShadePlotType' value type. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdDbViewport::StandardScaleType' value type. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
This is function ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE. 
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdRectangle3d' value type. 
{ Secret } */ // TODO 
This is function odrxEvent. 
This is function odrxSetMemberConstructor. 
This is function odSystemServices. 
Performs Drawings system uninitialization. 
This is function odUninitializeDbCore. 
This is function processBTRIndexObjects. 
This is function removeDimLineIndex. 
This is function TraceVgIgnoreImages. 
This is function TraceVgIgnoreText. 
This is function TraceVgInit. 
This is function TraceVgInit. 
This is function TraceVgPdfCheckAnnotationsOnPage. 
This is function TraceVgPdfConvertPage2Custom. 
This is function TraceVgPdfConvertPage2DIB. 
This is function TraceVgPdfDeleteImageDIB. 
This is function TraceVgPdfGetLayerInfoOnPage. 
This is function TraceVgPdfGetMeasureDictInfo. 
This is function TraceVgPdfGetPageSize. 
This is function TraceVgPdfNoPages. 
This is function TraceVgPsSetLicense. 
This is function TraceVgSetAutomaticPageSize. 
This is function TraceVgSetColorMode. 
This is function TraceVgSetDPI. 
This is function TraceVgSetFontPath. 
This is function TraceVgSetImageBgColor. 
This is function TraceVgSetImageClipRect. 
This is function TraceVgSetImageClipRect. 
This is function TraceVgSetImagePixWorH. 
This is function TraceVgSetImageScale. 
This is function TraceVgSetImageScale. 
This is function TraceVgSetInsertMode. 
This is function TraceVgSetInsertMode. 
This is function TraceVgSetRenderAnnotations. 
This is function TraceVgSetRenderAnnotations. 
Verify drawing Digital Signature if exists.
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