API Reference > Namespaces > TB_COLLADAIMPORT Namespace

This is namespace TB_COLLADAIMPORT.

This is an interface of the Collada import module. 
This class stores Collada import properties. 
This class implements the importer of the document that contains content of the COLLADA schema. 
This class implements the import of one effect. 
This class implements the error handler. 
This class implements an extra data handler. 
This class is used to handle errors that occur while loading the Collada Framework. 
This class implements geometry creation. 
This class implements the geometry import. 
This class implements the import of an image. 
This is the base class for importing the parts or individual elements of a Collada file (e.g., materials, effects, etc.). 
This class creates and assigns all materials previously stored by the material and affects importers. 
This class implements the material importer. 
This is an interface of the Collada import. 
This is an implementation of the OdColladaImport interface. 
This is type TB_COLLADAIMPORT::ColladaImportModulePtr. 
This is type TB_COLLADAIMPORT::ColladaPropertiesPtr. 
This is type TB_COLLADAIMPORT::OdColladaImportPtr. 
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