This is the base class for all types of OdBmDBViews.
Name |
Description |
A destructor for the BimRv object. |
Name |
Description |
Adds a new persistent reactor object to the element's reactor list. | |
Adds a new transient reactor object to the element's reactor list. | |
Retrieves the object's owner object. | |
Retrieves all the persistent reactors from the element. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves all the transient reactors from the element. | |
Retrieves whether a specified persistent reactor object is attached to the element. | |
Removes a specified persistent reactor object from the element's reactor list. | |
Removes a specified transient reactor object from the element's reactor list. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. |
Name |
Description |
Adds a new persistent reactor object to the element's reactor list. | |
Adds a new transient reactor object to the element's reactor list. | |
Increments the counter of references to the object. | |
Clones the object. | |
Retrieves the related database object. | |
Retrieves the drawable type of the object. | |
Returns a WCS bounding box that represents the extents of this object. | |
Retrieves the list of built-in parameters. | |
Retrieves the object's owner object. | |
Retrieves all the persistent reactors from the element. | |
Retrieves the array of object's properties. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves all the transient reactors from the element. | |
Retrieves graphical system cache associated with the object. | |
Retrieves whether a specified persistent reactor object is attached to the element. | |
Retrieves the object's identifier in the associated database. | |
Retrieves whether the object is persistent or not. | |
Retrieves the current quantity of references to the object. | |
Decrements the counter of references to the object. When the counter becomes equal to zero the object is destroyed. | |
Removes a specified persistent reactor object from the element's reactor list. | |
Removes a specified transient reactor object from the element's reactor list. | |
Applies the default properties of the specified database to this entity. | |
Assigns the specified OdGsCache to this object. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Retrieves the current regeneration support flags set for the object. | |
Sets the vectorization attributes of the object, and returns its attribute flags. | |
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set. | |
Implements viewport-dependent rendering. | |
Implements the mechanism for rendering the object. |
Name |
Description |
Adds a cell to the element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Adds a parameter to an element. | |
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDb::kForNotify. | |
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDb::kForRead. | |
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDb::kForWrite, and controls automatic *undo* and notification of modifications. | |
Returns database associated with this element as a pointer to the OdBmDatabase object. | |
This is getAbFlags4Bytes, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the Id of the assembly to which the element belongs. | |
This is getAssocLevelId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the Id of Design Option which was read from a file. | |
This is getBBox, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getCellList, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getClassDef, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getConstrInfo, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getCreatedPhaseId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getDatabase, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getDemolishedPhaseId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the Id of Design Option. | |
This is getDoubleParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getDummy, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getDynamicObject, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the element name as OdString value. | |
This is getElemRec, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns all entities in the element. | |
Returns the entity in the element by specified GUID. | |
This is getFamId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the family name as OdString value. | |
This is getFilterElement, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getFilterElement, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getGeometry, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the part of geometry which passes the element settings. | |
Returns geometry extents of this element as an object of OdGeExtents3d class. | |
This is getGeomSteps, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getGeomTable, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns all graphic system marker by subentity paths for complex entities, that has the ability to associate an integer identifier (GS marker) with each graphic primitive or with groups of primitives during draw themself. | |
This is getHeader, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the Id of Category taken from Header. | |
This is getHistory, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getIntParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getLocked, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getMiscId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getMoribund, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getObjectIdParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getOwnerDBViewId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getOwningElementId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element using given parameter id. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element using given parameter id. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element using given parameter id. | |
Retrieves a parameter value from an element using given parameter id. | |
deteails Retrieves a parameter value from an element using given parameter id. | |
This is getParents, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getPartitionId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
Retrieves the object's property value. | |
This is getRegenHistory, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the descriptive element name as OdString value. | |
This is getStringParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the element type id if available. | |
Returns the element's type name as OdString value. | |
Returns the unique identifier for the element from the database. | |
This is getUnplacedOwnerId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is getViewRules, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns the Id of the Workset which owns the element. | |
Checks if the element has DesignPropertyManager. | |
This is highlight, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Returns true if this element has a 'Annotation' category type. | |
Returns true if this element could be clipped | |
Returns true if and only this object is a *database* -resident object. | |
Retrieves whether the Edit mode is enabled for the database. | |
Returns true if and only if this element is a part of a family. | |
Returns true if and only if this object has not been *closed* since it was created. | |
Returns true if this element could be sectioned | |
Checks if this element is visible on the specified view. | |
Returns database objects's id | |
Returns the ID of the element's owner as an OdBmObjectId object. | |
Returns the ID of the element's owning element as an OdBmObjectId object. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
Pops a parameter with given id from an element. | |
This is setAbFlags4Bytes, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setAssocLevelId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Sets the Id of Base Design Option. | |
This is setBBox, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setCellList, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setClassDef, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setConstrInfo, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setCreatedPhaseId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setDatabase, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setDemolishedPhaseId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setDoubleParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setDummy, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Change EdimMode state for the element. | |
Stores the entity in the element. If an Entity described by the same Schema already exists, it is overwritten. | |
This is setFamId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setGeomSteps, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setGeomTable, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setHistory, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setIntParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setLocked, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setMiscId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setMoribund, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setObjectIdParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setOwnerDBViewId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setOwningElementId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Sets a value to a parameter. | |
Sets a value to a parameter. | |
Sets a value to a parameter. | |
Sets a value to a parameter. | |
Sets a value to a parameter. | |
Sets a value to a parameter by it's id. | |
Sets a value to a parameter by it's id. | |
Sets a value to a parameter by it's id. | |
Sets a value to a parameter by it's id. | |
Sets a value to a parameter by it's id. | |
This is setParents, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setPartitionId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
Sets a new value for the object's property. | |
This is setRegenHistory, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setStringParams, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setUnplacedOwnerId, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
This is setViewRules, a member of class OdBmElement. | |
The method is used to highlight an element. | |
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set. |
Name |
Description |
Cleans arrays with prepared objects to draw. May be used to update a view after adding new elements to the database. | |
Returns the AdHoc overrides object. | |
Returns visibility of ambient shadows on a view. | |
Returns the ID of the analysis display style associated with this view. | |
Returns the back clipping value. | |
Returns the list of the background elements of the view. | |
Returns the back clipping value that was read from the file. | |
Returns the view's design settings base value. | |
Returns shadows visibility. | |
Gets graphic overrides for a category in view. | |
Returns the settings of the color filling scheme. | |
Returns the name of the custom scale. | |
Returns the ID of the OdBmDBDrawing. | |
Returns the ID of the view type. | |
Returns the ID of the view's default template. | |
Returns the array of IDs of the views that are dependent on this view. | |
Returns the view's design settings. | |
Returns the draw order manager. | |
Returns detail level value of elements in current view. | |
This is getDirectContext3DHandleOverrides, a member of class OdBmDBView. | |
Returns Visual style of the current view. | |
Returns the list of the non-annotated elements of the view. | |
Returns the array of applied filters. | |
Gets graphic overrides for an element in the view. | |
Returns flag of sketchy lines (jitter effect) of edges in current view. | |
Returns the array of IDs of the elements that are explicitly hidden. | |
Returns value between 0 and 10 indicates how far a model line's endpoints extend beyond intersections. A value of 0 results in lines that meet at intersections. A value of 10 results in lines that extend well beyond intersections. | |
Returns the ID of the element extent. | |
Returns the overrides that a filter applies to a view. | |
Gets graphic overrides for a filter in the view. | |
Returns the ID of the fixed sketch plane. | |
Returns 'true' if the view has a custom view scale. | |
Returns the list of the annotated elements of the view. | |
Returns the ID of the view level. | |
Returns the graphics overrides of the view. | |
Returns 'true' if the view has a name of a custom scale. | |
Returns the settings of the hidden elements of the view. | |
Returns the manager of hidden elements. | |
Returns 'true' if this view is a template view. | |
Returns value between 0 and 10 of the degree of variability in the sketched lines. A value of 0 results in straight lines without the sketched graphic style. A value of 10 results in multiple sketch lines. | |
Returns the ID of the light scheme. | |
Returns the model display mode value. | |
Returns 'true' if the view has a name. | |
Returns the array of IDs of the parameters that will not be controlled by the view template. | |
Returns view origin as a 3D point. | |
Returns the settings of displaying the parts in this view. | |
Returns the point cloud overrides. | |
Returns preview visibility mode for a view. | |
Returns the ID of the parent view if this view is dependent. | |
Returns the retouch table. | |
Returns the direction towards the right side of the screen. | |
Returns the link overrides. | |
Returns the scale of the view. | |
Returns the array of IDs of the viewport elements that are linked with this view and placed on the sheets. | |
Returns the ID of the assembly instance to which the element belongs. | |
Returns visibility of edges in current view. | |
Returns a line styles that create a silhouette. | |
Returns id of SketchPlane assigned to the view. remarks Returns OdBmObjectId::kNull for views which don't have a sketch. | |
Returns transparency value of elements in current view. | |
Gets unqiue draw filter by class. | |
Returns the direction towards the top of the screen. | |
Returns pointer to view database. | |
Returns the view description. | |
Returns the direction towards the OdBmViewer. | |
Returns the view's disciplines. | |
Returns the view's display manager. | |
Returns the ID of the OdBmViewer. | |
Returns the view name. | |
Returns a view format. | |
Returns the ID of the template that contains view parameters. | |
Returns a view type. | |
Returns the list of visible background elements of the view. | |
Returns the list of visible non-annotated elements of the view. | |
Returns the list of visible annotated elements of the view. | |
Returns the visual style of the view. | |
Gets visibility mode for a workset in this view. | |
Returns visibility sittings of the view's workset. | |
Checks if an element is out of the current view's clip region. | |
Checks if an element is visible in the current view. | |
Returns true if the view is perspective. | |
Returns is the workset visible in this view. | |
Sets visibility of ambient shadows on a view. | |
Sets shadows visibility. | |
Sets graphic overrides for a category in view. | |
Sets detail level value of elements in current view. | |
Sets Visual style of the current view. | |
Sets flag of sketchy lines (jitter effect) of edges in current view. | |
Sets value between 0 and 10 to indicate how far a model line's endpoints extend beyond intersections. A value of 0 results in lines that meet at intersections. A value of 10 results in lines that extend well beyond intersections. | |
Sets the degree of variability in the sketched lines. A value of 0 results in straight lines without the sketched graphic style. A value of 10 results in multiple sketch lines. | |
Sets preview visibility mode for a view. | |
Sets visibility of edges in current view. | |
Sets a line styles that create a silhouette. | |
Sets transparency value of elements in current view. | |
Sets unqiue draw filter by class. | |
Sets the view's discipline. | |
Sets the view name. | |
Sets the ID of the template that contains view parameters. | |
Sets visibility mode for a workset in this view. |
Name |
Description |
This is nested type OdBmObject::ItemIndexType. | |
This is nested type OdBmObject::PropertyIndexType. |
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